Pro-testers often argue that no alternative out there, produces as valid results as the tests on animals. However, considerable
research has been conducted using alternatives, and in most cases the alternatives to animal experiments have produced more reliable results. Predicting and testing the levels and effects of toxicity a chemical has on human skin, has always been done on animals but have produced conflicting results. One alternative that has shown to better the reliability of results, and does not harm animals, is the testing of these chemicals on three-dimensional human skin equivalent-systems such as
EpiSkin and
SkinEthic. Other
alternatives that have been tested repeatedly and have passed laws stating they are effective are as follows:
in vitro (test tube) test methods and models based on human cell and tissue cultures- this alternative ultimately produces more reliable results because it is tested directly on human cell tissue, increasing the overall conclusion that a chemical would have on humans.
computerized patient-drug databases and virtual drug trials, which is advanced software created to replicate the human body and it's reactions
stem cell and genetic testing methods have proven time and again to be effective in producing reliable results, because again it is directly testing the effect chemicals have on aspects of humans
microdosing (in which humans are given very low quantities of a drug
to test the effects on the body on the cellular level, without affecting
the whole body system)- which may be argued may also be affecting a living thing, however even after animal tests of complete in terms of medication, human trials are conducted too.
In addition to more reliable results being obtained through these alternatives, and no animal being harmed,
these alternatives are more cost effective, more accessible (as they do not have to wait for animals to age or heal before continuing the tests), and are also more environmentally friendly.
EpiSkin process
In Vitro testing
With the evidence presented both for and again animal testing, I believe these alternatives described is where science should be heading towards. They are cost effective, more reliable and do not harm any living creatures. We are the voice for these animals, public awareness and people making a stand against animal testing has forced governments to take action, and cosmetic companies to seek alternatives. This needs to continue happening, we need to continue being their voice and seeking more effective and humane alternatives.